Special message dedicated to men


      Many times, nobody asks them how their day was, if they're feeling well, if they want to talk, if they want time to take a rest, if they need space to be alone for a while.

     They want to be admired, valued, respected and recognised by a woman.

     Many times, they keep their sadness, their insecurities, their fears, their failures, their mistakes for themselves.

      They have been considered as a "work machine", mere providers and nobody notices hard efforts, sacrifice, the hard job they do to contribute to their home.

        They attempt to control their emotions so that nobody sees them cry, because they were brought up in a world where crying is not a right for a man.

      They pretend to be brave, stronger when they might feel anxious, downhearted inside, attempting to get rid of inner storms and they just need support.

       They do have experienced disappointments, deceits, infidelity... that broke their heart.

        They do feel deeply, they need to be rescued, to be saved, to be taken care of, a loving hand to hold on, an available shoulder to cry on and relieve their pains, a hug, a piece of advice... To get: 'I adore you, I love you, everything will be all right.'

        They're not just a robust male image which he solves everything and his duty is just work.

        They are sensitive emotionally, they want to be accepted, they want to express their emotions, they want to be valued, to be loved and respected, they need to receive affection, loving details, to be pampered and so on...

         They shouldn't always offer safety, support, commitment, to be faithful, to promise, to be in charge of a home, to pay bills, to take for a walk, offer an invitation to go to the cinema or restaurant. Not always he must bring flowers, who flirts, who conquers someone's heart.

       They do have emotional needs like a woman.

       They do have an emotional world, a beating heart.

      Women out there! Men need support and love from us...They need it too, although they don't say / show it...

*Text translated from Spanish by Jovanna Ovando. - Unknown author.





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