Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta #Constitución #Chile #Legend #PiedraDeLosEnamorados. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta #Constitución #Chile #Legend #PiedraDeLosEnamorados. Mostrar todas las entradas

Legend: "The Lovers' Rock"

   In Chile, the coastal city of Constitución, 7th Region of Maule, there is a legend that deals with a special rock near to the coast. It's called, "The Lovers' Rock (La Piedra de los Enamorados). This rock is enchanted. A young couple were turned into this rock because of a curse, which their features are engraved inside.

   This rock has matchmaker powers. The couple who walk into below the arc of the rock and kiss each other, they'll get married within one year, having healthy and strong children and they'll live happily ever after.


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