Do we honestly realize about the scale of the damages caused by the human being? All the changes in the environment, reveal us that our planet is certainly doomed. Since the Industrial Revolution with the technological development, inventions and the creation of powerful factories, the planet has been polluted because of pollutants emitted from them. As a result, the whole nature is affected: Water, air, soil and therefore, the ecosystem is harmed too. Other events are the result of this everyday destruction: Global warming, the melting of glaciers, the extinction of wildlife, forests fire, ozone depletion, etc. Many rulers, environmental organizations and scientists are worried about this situation and try to find solutions for these problems. But nobody wants to admit that there are no human solutions to put an end to them. We can only wait for the awful consequences. Although several measures are taken "to solve" these problems, it's too late to reverse the disasters. Nobody can expect to stop the accumulative damages made throughout the centuries. According to the Holy Writ, God says that He's going to create the world again and this damaged planet isn't going to exist anymore (*) Analysing this view, the human being can't solve this worldwide problem by himself. It's useless to misspend lots of money, making conferences, campaigns... Becoming aware of this impending total destruction just now, it's absolutely a waste of time. Believe it or not, the real solution is of no concern to us. It isn't going to be solved by ourselves. (*) Revelation 21;1 Isaiah 65;17.
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