There is a Chilean folk song sang by Los Huasos Quincheros. I wanted to translate the lyrics into English. I hope you like it!
Si vas para Chile
If you're going to Chile
Te ruego que pases
I beg you to drop in
Por donde vive mi amada
on my beloved
Es una casita
It's a house
Muy linda y chiquita
Cute and small one
Que está en la falda
That's in the hillside
De un cerro enclavada
And nestled there
La adornan las parras
It's adorned with vines
La cruza un estero
A brook goes across the house
Y al frente hay un sauce
And there's a willow in front of it
Que llora y que llora
Crying and crying
Porque yo la quiero
Because I love her
Si vas para Chile
If you're going to Chile
Te ruego, viajero
I beg you, traveler
Le digas a ella
To tell her
Que de amor me muero
That I'm dying of love
El pueblito se llama Las Condes
The town is called Las Condes
Y está junto a los cerros y al cielo
That's next to the hills and the sky
Y si miras de lo alto hacia el valle
And if you look up into the valley
Lo verás que lo baña un estero
You'll see it being washed by a brook
Campesinos y gentes del pueblo
Farmers and townfolks
Te saldrán al encuentro, viajero
Will come and meet you, traveler
Y verás cómo quieren en Chile
And you'll see how much Chile loves
Al amigo cuando es forastero
A friend when is a foreigner.
Translated by Jovanna O.