Legend: "The Lovers' Rock"

   In Chile, the coastal city of Constitución, 7th Region of Maule, there is a legend that deals with a special rock near to the coast. It's called, "The Lovers' Rock (La Piedra de los Enamorados). This rock is enchanted. A young couple were turned into this rock because of a curse, which their features are engraved inside.

   This rock has matchmaker powers. The couple who walk into below the arc of the rock and kiss each other, they'll get married within one year, having healthy and strong children and they'll live happily ever after.

    Source: http://www.oresteplath.cl/antologia/geogmitos/geogmitoyleyenda9d.html

The tasty earthquake

  In Chile, there is a famous and popular alcoholic drink, called "Terremoto"  (Earthquake), which was created after the earthquake occurred in 1985.

   This alcoholic drink is made up of a special wine: pipeño, also fernet or grenadine, pineapple ice cream and served with a straw.

   The classic  presentation (glass 400 ml.) is called "Terremoto".

   This drink served in a pitcher is called "Cataclismo"(Cataclysm).  And served in a small glass is called "Réplica" (Aftershock).

   Its very popular consumption and creation come from "La Piojera", bar located in Santiago.

   If you are going to Chile, please do not forget to taste this drink.   Cheers!!  :)


     Te extraño,

     Como la lluvia en verano

     Te extraño,

     Como el sol en el invierno.

     Si estuvieras aquí

     Y escuchar tu voz dulce llamándome,

     Tu voz dulce susurrándome,

      "Te amo".

     Los días se hacen eternos

     Preguntándome cuándo vendrás,

     Las horas pasan lentas

     Aumentando mi agonía

     Sólo tu recuerdo me sustenta,

     Sólo me queda creer

     Que te veré en este amanecer

     Que te veré en este amanecer,

     Vida mía

     Vida mía...








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